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The Accidental Writer

A Tale of Soma, Nature and Transformation Visitor We may stumble upon ourselves in clumsy or organic ways. We may float down streams of...

Undomesticated Ep. 51

The Synchrosoma Podcast. Coming out of condition is about being instinctual and wild rather than reacting against the systems that...

Glossary of Terms for Shadow Stalkers

Glossary of Terms for Shadow Stalkers Glossary of Terms for Shadow Stalkers Archetype The word Archetype coined by C.G. Jung, is a...


Real psychospiritual sovereignty is interdependent rather than dependent or independent. Dependency could be reserved for children, the...

Black Belt of The Heart

The Heart Path is for those of us who understand life is not about accumulating things or feeling good. Heartedness is like a martial...

Unreal Love

When love gets twisted it is no longer love. If the love is intertwined with blame, rage, violence, abuse, sadistic teasing, masochism,...

Magic is For Everyone

So much of what we have thought we’ve known about magic is false. The dense reality manipulations of objects to create outcomes is one of...

Spirits in the Material World

Embodiment requires spiritual awareness. I would say embodiment is a spiritual experience. Some of us woke up at some point in the matrix...

Loving Heart

Committing to The a Heart Path is liberating and terrifying. If you have lived in the “bad simulation” or have had a lot of ache that’s...

The Present of Presence

Somewhere inside of The Trap is a golden door which leads to a room filled with sparkling jewel encrusted reality of The Present inside...

Guide and Seek

The Seeker archetype has both the problem and solution encoded in her name. This time of introspection has not been lost on those of us...

Recovery Vampires

We can all pretty easily grok the shadow of addiction and substance abuse, even the functional daily habitual use of substances. These...

Group Shadow Stalking

The larger the group you are involved with the larger the shadow or darkness it will potentially draw, hide and leak out through its...


There’s sort of a dealbreaker when it comes to shadow work and confronting deeply embedded behaviors, ideologies, beliefs and most...

Love Sutures

I like to make up words that help us understand reality quickly and easily. Words are symbols and like any symbol words are encoded with...

Mistake Medicine

If you think you’ve done something stupid you have not yet discovered the wisdom of the mistake. Looking back on a past self with regret,...


Do you remember when you were told as a child to not shove or force something that wasn’t moving, if it wouldn’t budge? That was because...

Scarecrow Consciousness

One of the lessons we get from the Scatecrow in The Wizard of Oz movie “myth” is about conformity and consciousness. The quest of this...

The Heroic Lion

Bravery is not the absence of fear, bravery is the foolishness, and willingness to begin. The difference between The archetypes of Hero...

Somewhere, Over And Over

The archetypal tornado, or spinning psyche, that sometimes erupts us into fitful wake-sleep can be a tormenting flash of the previous...

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